Fat Removal

I’m always anxious to find out what are the risks when undergoing a new treatment. Body Catalyst explained in explicit detail the risks of fat freezing. It was reassuring to hear that there was no risk of frostbite to the skin (even though the fat underneath would be frozen to -9c).
This cycle continues in an 'on/off' pattern whereby your muscles contract and release repeatedly throughout the treatment. The skin is connected to the underlying reduce stomach fat muscle by fibrous bands made of collagen (called 'septae'). Over time, these bands harden and contract, and pull down the skin causing puckering and dimpling.
Your body size can be reduced by a few centimetres after cryolipolysis. The longevity of the final result will actually depend on your effort and goodwill to maintain it and stay fit. You should maintain a healthy lifestyle which includes a nutritious diet and regular exercise if you want to prevent the fat from accumulating all over again. You are likely to experience mild discomfort, but nothing too drastic or over-the-top. Cryolipolysis has no downtime, meaning that you can immediately return to your job and other day-to-day tasks. Normally one area takes one hour to treat from the start to the end of the treatment.

Whether you’re concerned about stubborn pockets of fat that are immune to diet and exercise, troublesome cellulite, loose skin or other signs of ageing – their team can help. Body Catalyst’s mission is to help you achieve your body goals in a safe, gentle and effective way. CoolSculpting, or ‘fat freezing’, is a highly effective and non-invasive fat reduction procedure that uses cold treatment to sculpt the body and reduce unwanted fat cells.
It is a non-invasive treatment that involves no medical procedures or use of any chemical substances, creams or gels. By submitting your information you agree to our Terms and ConditionsandPrivacy Policy. Typically results can be seen in 6-9weeks, hence we strongly recommend one session every 6 weeks. Find out how cosmetic surgery has improved the quality of life of others.

The popularity of CoolSculpting as a fat removal procedure is markedly increasing in Australia. The approval of the technique by the Therapeutic Goods Administration branch of the Australian Government in 2015 testifies to the procedure’s safety and effectiveness. Our experienced team of medical practitioners, doctors and registered nurses are committed to the expert delivery of timeless natural beauty. Now our doors to the Melbourne Cosmos Clinic are now open, we welcome you to experience first hand the cosmetic treatments on offer.
We also have TVs in each treatment room for you to watch your favorite movies and TV shows, so you can sit back, relax and enjoy your treatment. At your initial complimentary consultation, our body experts will be able to advise if fat freezing is appropriate for you. Clatuu has dual applicators which allow us to treat multiple areas at once along with 360° cooling applicators for more coverage resulting in more effective fat reduction. Join the fastest growing fat freezing trend in the beauty and cosmetic industry space as a licenced therapist of Beautiful Body Clinics. 2017 and as the only Fat Freezing Specialists in Australia, you can take control of your future. Work for yourself, as an independent practitioner, under the Beautiful Body Clinics brand.
Our equipment is medical grade and registered on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods . Treatment results include body reshaping, improved skin fitness and the reduction of cellulite. When fat tissue is treated by the UltraShape™ device, the focused ultrasound beam is directed towards a specific area within the fat layer. The ultrasound wave causes mechanical disruption of the membranes of the fat cells sparing the blood vessels, peripheral sensory nerves and connective tissue. Since the effect is focused to a specific depth, overlaying skin is not damaged. The fat cell content is safely cleared by the natural metabolic processes.

The treatment requires no downtime and allows for skin tightening and volumisation without the need for injectables. After one visit, you’ll typically see a noticeable reduction of fat. It takes a few months to fully realize the effects, mainly because it takes that long for your body to naturally dispose of the fat cells. And yes, you can lose even more with additional appointments if you and your doctor deem it necessary. Now you can freeze away those exercise-and-diet-resistant bulges without surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting was developed through the observation that children who sucked on icy popsicles for long periods of time had fat atrophy or fat reduction in their cheeks.
The clinical trials conducted in 2014 proved a 26% reduction in the treated area on the subjects. It is tricky to see 26% - but this looks like an inch on a normal sized women’s’ hip. With multiple treatments on the same area you will continue to reduce fat cells in the targeted area. The current understanding is that at normal weight these fat cells contract and expand with weight loss and gain.

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